Friday, March 24, 2006

About That Big Announcement

I almost forgot to post it here, though many people already know what it is (since I solicited advice from quite a few folks).

Despite suffering through two different law schools in two different cities and driving myself nearly insane in the process, I have decided to head on back. I will be registering for classes sometime next week before I leave for my MA vacation (have to celebrate dad's 60th and Marc's 40th, damn you people are getting OLD!). Of course, I will be returning to Emory Law School to finish up my three years of hell.

So, if you found my site whilst searching for transfer info or law school info in general, feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Been a Long Time

And still I haven't much to say that is original or not driven by outright anger at the fundamental misdirection of this country.

Anyhow... look for big news regarding my plans for next fall. I will likely blog about it later in the week, after all the important people in my life hear about it from me first.