Monday, January 16, 2006

Why Can't We Have Better Leaders?

As many of you are probably aware, Minortiy Leader Pelosi has appointed Congressman Clyburn (SC) to head the "Clean House Team" that will spearhead Democratic initiatives to clean up Congress. There's one big problem, though. In 1997, Clyburn took a trip to the Northern Mariana Islands on Jack Abramoff's dime (actually the cost is reported to have been over $10,000). With that being said, this is the letter I sent to my congressman. I suggest you do the same.

Dear Congressman Lewis-
I write today to implore you to take whatever actions are necessary to prevent your colleague, Mr. Clyburn, from leading our party's "Clean House Team." It is imperative that the Democratic Party's efforts be lead by someone with an unrivaled and unchallengeable commitment to ethics. Unfortunately, Congressman Clyburn is not that person.

His decision, in 1997, to accept an Abramoff financed trip to the Northern Mariana Islands presents an easy target for the GOP and its bevy of stenographers in the press. This would allow the GOP, with the help of the media, to continue its claim that this scandal is truly bipartisan.

If we want the American people to trust us as the party of ethics and reform, then we must do better than Congressman Clyburn as our point person. Otherwise not only the voters, but our own party supporters, will see this as another political sleight of hand. The Democratic Party and the American people deserve much better.


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