Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Futility of Going to Class and/or Studying?

This is funny (at least to me)--

I had to wait until all of my grades were in before I could confirm the results of my experiment and they were consistent with my 1L grades- such that my two highest grades came in the courses I missed most while the two lowest were in the courses I attended most frequently. The breakdown was two each: B+, B-. And to control for studying differences I limited myself to the same total study time for each exam (4 hours). I failed to do so last year and was unsure if I could replicate my results. Also, the difference in attendance rates was not insignificant. I missed the last 5 weeks of Evidence and at least 4 other class meetings prior to just not going. I missed Crim Pro less than 5 times (if I recall correctly).

What does this say about law school? (Of course, it probably says something about me, too. But that is probably a comment about my psychological well being that I would experiment with grades in law school, given the risk involved.)


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