Tuesday, October 11, 2005

And Now for Something Completely Different

I suppose I ought to let everyone know why the blog has been so silent. As is common of my nature, I changed my mind about school. I am not pursuing another master's in education. Instead I am actually working towards completing my PhD in public policy here. Suffice to say that I am much happier than I was during my two years of hell.. er.. law school. I am not officially in the doctoral program as I actually just jumped over from the School of Education. But the public policy folks were nice enough to fund me anyway.

Courses this semester--
Applied Research Methods and Stats II-- basically a refresher on multiple regression for me;

Economics of the State and Local Public Sector-- more or less and introduction to tax;

Evaluation Research: Design and Practice-- project based course where you design an evaluation vehicle for a local non-profit.

I am still debating whether to major in public finance or evaluation. Minor will likely be education policy, given my prior graduate degree. Dissertation topic will be something in the area of education, most likely education finance, but maybe a program analysis (I could build on my master's thesis on early grade class size reduction).

I hope to blog more frequently now (I know I've said it before), with a concentration on public policy sorts of things.


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